Thursday, August 09, 2007

More on HitTail

I haven’t paid much attention to the results from HitTail for this blog so far because no one wants to read a post that contains the words Mike Crowl Travel several times over.
However, things have improved a bit and we’ve had people looking for some things that are a bit more interesting. Curiously, Buckley’s Canadiol Mixture turned up on the list, even though my post regarding it goes back to when the blog had nothing to do with travel but was more personal in tone. The Sally Army got a look in after I mentioned them in the beach service that took place in Sheringham. Another search result that came up was from a blog written by someone who’s doing a social work course and is having to do research on various Christian organisations, including *shudder* (her word) a Baptist website.
A search for Mike Crowl Blog plasters me all over the Google page, which is nice (egotism notwithstanding) and a search for Mundesley takes us straight to the top of the list. Whether finding out that Celia worked in Mundesley forty years ago is what the searcher was looking or not is another matter.
The Garvin Sat Nav that we borrowed made the list, being very close to the top of the results but my mention of Michael Crowl and Goldman Sachs in the same post didn’t even make the first page of Google results.
For those reading this blog for travel news, I’m afraid my interest in turning up on search results probably isn’t very interesting. So I give you full permission to skip these HitTail blogs if you want!

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