Monday, August 13, 2007

Spelling and grammar

One of my daughter's has been checking up fairly regularly on spelling mistake in these blogs. Now she's come back to me with a couple of grammatical problems. She emailed me to say I must be typing really fast recently. That's part of the problem, though more of it is that I'm not doing as much proof-reading for myself as I should be.
This is the same daughter who, back in the 90s when I was writing a weekly column for the Star Midweeker, was on one occasion allowed by the editor to write the column for me. She wrote about how I used incidents from family life in the column, and perhaps shouldn't (!), and how the column was read at her school and dissected by the English teacher.
It's interesting how words you write that seem to have little more than temporary value can wind up being used in places you never know about. I was once asked by an American school-text publisher if they could reprint one of my columns in one of their text books. I was happy for them to do so (particularly as there was a payment involved) but I often wonder how they wanted to use the column in the book, and what various students over the years have thought about it.

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