Friday, October 26, 2007

What a night!

Our room in the apartment in Barcelona is one of five bedrooms and mostly they’ve been fully occupied since we’ve been here. And equally most of the occupants have been pleasant and fairly quiet, from a Russian woman and her six-year old daughter, and their adult lady friend (the child’s former kindergarten teacher), to the Australian couple and a Japanese pair. But last night, after the Aussies and us had gone to bed (the Japanese were still out and the others had gone back to Holland), we were awakened at around one in the morning by the most outrageous yahooing and banging and crashing you can imagine. As it is there are notices everywhere about the other tenants of the building being likely to call the noise police (fine 400 euros), but whoever these two guys were, they couldn’t have cared less. Celia got up at one point and told them to Shut Up!, and briefly they did, but the shouting and noise carried on, along with what sounded like boots being dropped on the floor continually. They’d left the apartment door open (another no no) and when they went to their room there was screaming and yelling like I’ve never heard. Only God and them knows what was going on.
Finally silence.
And then the Japanese arrived at two…! The lift well, which was outside our window, amplified all sound (including that of the person in another apartment whose tv went from 9.30 am to 11 pm), so the Japanese footsteps up the 83 stairs, and their voices sounded quite clearly - along with the stair light being switched on. The gave the apartment door their usual crash shut, and then wandered around doing their ablutions and what have you with no great concern for the hour.
This morning we are shattered.

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